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Brende distributed sacks of rice seedlings in districts of Can-abay, Tingib and San Antonio. (Image source: IRRI/Flickr)

Norway has recently donated rice seedlings to 1,914 typhoon-affected farmers at three Samar districts in the Philippines

About 380,000 rural households are expected to directly benefit from the Modern Agriculture Development Project. (Image source: Rita Juliana/

The World Bank has approved loans totalling US$305.1mn for two projects to support development of climate-resilient sustainable agriculture and control agricultural pollution in China

Thailand is a leading provider of variety of fruits and vegetables. (Image source: Ezran Kamal/

Thailand’s food exports are expected to touch US$31bn in 2014, a seven per cent increase from the previous year, according to Thai Chamber of Commerce

The government intends to establish an institution specialising in agricultural development, according to a report in Bernama. (Image source: Sabila Enun/Wikimedia Commons)

The Malaysian government will set up an agropolitan agriculture university to emphasise on agricultural development in the country, according to a minister

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